Having reviews, recommendations, and testimonials on your website, social media pages, Google, Yelp, etc. will help them all perform better in converting prospects to clients.
Hearing other people sing your praises has many benefits. It can give undecided prospects the nudge to trust you. It can reinforce the positive feelings other clients have. It adds social proof. And they can talk about benefits of reflexology that you can’t. So once you get those reviews, you want to make sure as many people see them as possible. One way to do that is to make a graphic you can share on social media with the testimonial.
You can simply take a screen shot of the review if you want the easiest option. Remember done is better than perfect every day.
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If you want to get a bit fancier…
While there are a number of online tools to help you easily create graphics, Canva.com is probably the most well known so it’s what I used to create the examples below to give you a feel for what you can create.
If you’re not sure how to use Canva, check out this video that walks you through the process.
If you want to edit one of these templates yourself, send me your email indicating which template(s) you’d like and I’ll send you an invite so you can edit it yourself using your client’s testimonial.
Or just hop on and browse their designs and have fun creating your own.
I created a couple color versions just so you can see how a design changes with the colors used. The photo used in 2 of the graphics is a free one available on Canva, however they have other higher quality ones you can purchase to use for $1 per design. Or you can add your own photos too.
The More Feet Club offers even more testimonial templates
Just one of the many bonus categories you always have access to in the More Feet Club, the “Client Love Testimonials” is full of testimonial templates as well as ready-to-use statements clients often say. Lots of color choices are available too as well as editable Canva files. Here’s just a tiny taste of what’s included:

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Thanks for your support. Website content is available until March 15, 2022. Please disregard any mentions of the More Feet Club, the email list, or other paid services.