Now if you don’t already have one, go set it up now (see the video below).
You may be thinking, “Wait, aren’t there things to consider like target audience, etc.?” and you’re right. But 99.9% of the time I will still say, yes you need a Facebook page because it’s by far the most popular social media platform with 2 billion active users.
Don’t worry, having a page doesn’t mean you have to post daily or even weekly, (though I think at least once a week is a good goal and easy to achieve with done-for-you graphics in the More Feet Club) but having a page set up with at least the basic information to help your clients and potential clients connect with you which is helpful in getting more feet on your table (aka clients).
Is Your Ideal Client on Facebook?
Okay, probably. According to a Pew Research 2018 report, “Facebook remains the primary platform for most Americans.
“Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) now report that they are Facebook users, and roughly three-quarters of those users access Facebook on a daily basis.
“With the exception of those 65 and older, a majority of Americans across a wide range of demographic groups now use Facebook.”
Social media usage statistics for the UK are quite similar so I’m not listing them as well, but if you have questions, shout out in the Reflexology Marketing Facebook group or contact us.
And as you can see from this excerpt from a chart created by Spredfast the break out by age group still shows the majority of people with internet access are using Facebook. By the way, I highly recommend checking out their whole chart to help you compare and select which social media platforms will help you reach your marketing objectives to get more feet on the table. It’s an excellent resource.

And the following chart from the Pew Research Center shows that the majority of Facebook users log on at least once a day, more so than users on the other popular social media sites.

When they are on Facebook, people want to talk about and share about the businesses and people they value and trust, and without a Facebook page, they can’t do so as easily. Facebook gets smarter all the time about making it easy to check-in to local businesses and auto populates recommendation links, etc. There are many ways that even just having a page that you never post updates on can make it easier for clients to tell others about your business as well as for people looking for information about what you offer to find you easily too.
People don’t search on Facebook as much as they do the search engines, but you’d be surprised how many will look for a business on Facebook before contacting them. Don’t lose out on these new clients by not having a business page on Facebook.
“What if I Don’t Use Facebook Myself?”
Even if you don’t use Facebook, it’s worth having some content on your page so people can find you, link to you, recommend you, etc. The only concern is people sending you messages via your page. It’s important to be responsive for customer service. That said, you can have these messages forwarded to your email so you’re notified. Or you can use the Facebook Pages app so you’re just interacting as your page and not the rest of the Facebook feed, etc. You can also set up a messenger bot to respond with your desired contact method instead, though I think you’ll do better business in the long run if you can respond via Facebook messenger. Check out the Facebook marketing resources on this site and if you don’t find what you need, keep in mind More Feet Members get extensive guides and tutorials customized specifically for reflexologists detailing how to set all these things up.
“I’ve Heard Pages Aren’t Effective Anymore.”
While organic reach is down from the early days of Facebook, there are still many benefits of having a Facebook page as mentioned above. Getting seen with your business page posts is still possible, you just have to be a bit more strategic.
Regardless of how many people your posts reach, just having a Facebook page itself should be at the top of your to-do list if you don’t have one already. Posting to it is even better though as it gets you in front of your clients and prospects with the opportunity for them to learn something new, share your posts, and just remember all the ways you help people. (Check out the Marketing Rule of 7 Exposures to learn more.)
“I’ll Get More Exposure Posting on My Personal Profile.”
This may well be true (though looking at my feed right now out of the first 10 posts 3 are from pages and only 2 are from my friends), but it doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for your business.
Before posting all of your business related content on your personal profile, we need to review what we’ve agreed to in the Facebook Terms of Service. Violating them can land you temporarily in “Facebook Jail” (meaning you are restricted in what you can do, sometimes completely) or even worse get your account, pages, groups, etc. closed permanently, meaning you lose all your friends, followers, members, etc. While I can’t currently find any specific wording that bans business use of personal profiles, they have in the past been more specific about stating that personal profiles are not to be used solely for business purposes and we’re seeing more changes come through indicating they still frown upon using your personal profile as a business instead of using an actual Business page. (Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer and can’t offer legal advice. You should consult one on legal matters.)
Regardless, there are many benefits to using a Business Page that outweigh posting on your personal profile only. Plus your friends don’t want you constantly spamming them with your business posts, having a page is a way to let them opt-in to those messages. Then occasionally sharing them to your personal profile too helps increase your exposure on the important stuff and reminds your friends about your business.
See the full pros and cons list to help you decide, “Should I Post to My Personal Facebook Account or My Business Page?”
“I Don’t Have Time to Post on Facebook.” / “I Don’t Know What To Post.”
This thought is focused on how you would use your Facebook page, not on the value of having a simply creating a page. Personally I advocate for “less is more” with social media for small businesses like yours. But even if you only post something once every couple months, just taking 20 minutes to set up your page with your contact info and a few basic details and images is going to be helpful. You can also solve these time and content problems with done-for-you social media graphics, video, and wording suggestions you get in the More Feet Club.
Members get new ready-to-post social media graphics with pre-written copy every month. This makes it easy to take about 30 minutes and schedule out posts for the whole month. You don’t have to think of what to say, find graphics/take photos, etc. if you don’t want to. Just copy and paste and upload whats been provided. Easy peasy!
“My Clients Aren’t On Facebook.”
If you are certain that your ideal clients aren’t using the internet at all, then it’s safe to say they aren’t using Facebook. While younger audiences are more likely to have a Facebook account with 88% of all 18-29 year olds having an account, it’s the older demographics that are growing at a faster rate these days. (This chart is for social media use overall, not just Facebook.) I honestly don’t have a good reason why you would want to not set up a Facebook page at the very least. Chances are you’ll still get some exposure and traffic from doing so.

Create Your Facebook Page
The first reflexologist to ask for help will get their page set up for free as the how-to-demo. Contact us to get it. (video tutorial coming soon)
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