How many people in your town know what reflexology is? Of those who know what it is, or at least think they do, how many have tried it?
And how many of those people who’ve never heard of it or never tried it, might love it once they experience reflexology?
So that’s why I’m challenging every single reflexologist out there to do at least one thing during World Reflexology Week (September 21 to 27, 2020) to promote the benefits of reflexology to a new audience.

Do you accept the challenge?
Can you do at least one thing to specifically promote the benefits and raise awareness about how much reflexology rocks?
I know you can. And I’m willing to help support you in doing so. Comment below with what you want to do and accept the challenge.
After all, World Reflexology Week is designed to help raise awareness about reflexology and the benefits it offers. And, people have to know what reflexology is and how it can help them before they seek out a reflexologist and book a session. Collectively spreading the world about how reflexology works (and why it rocks!) helps all reflexologists get more feet on their table (or chair).
If you’re feeling unsure, or want all the help you can get with the challenge, sign up for the email list. I’ll be sending out tips and resources to make this as easy as possible!
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So let’s get started.
Step 1: Decide what new audience you want to focus on
While everyone can benefit from reflexology, marketing is much more effective when you’re speaking to a specific audience. You can pick your audience based on health issues (plantar fasciitis, arthritis, etc.) or lifestyles (moms, athletes, military, etc.) or even interests (people who belong to certain groups or organizations such as the gardening club), etc.
Step 2: Decide how to reach that new audience
Pre-pandemic, hosting an in-person event such as a presentation, open house, taster sessions, or working with a group or location that is connected to your audience would have been a great option. This year, however, you might need to go with another strategy depending on how the COVID-19 risk is where you live. (But this is still totally doable! Keep reading!)
Questions to ask yourself include:
- Do I want to do something in-person or virtual?
- Is there a local group or organization I can partner with to reach this audience?
- Are there any Facebook groups I can join and connect with this audience?
- What local media does this audience follow? TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, bloggers, influencers, etc. all count.
- What about social media? Where do they tend to hang out?
- What issues are they facing that reflexology can help with? And how can I best communicate that to them?
Using the answers to those questions, decide on what action(s) you will take.
I’d like to encourage you to consider reaching out to the media to get some free publicity as this can have a much larger reach and impact for the effort. (Check out these handy publicity resources to support you.)
Hosting an event, even virtually, is also going to be a good way to reach a wider audience too (and can also garner some publicity if you send out a news release about the event.) Here’s an Event Marketing Timeline to help you plan your event marketing efforts.
Want even more ideas?
There are ideas galore to help you with this step in the World Reflexology Week Marketing Resource Guide.
Keep in mind, it’s important to pick something that feels realistic. Having a stretch goal that might push you a little out of your comfort zone is always a good way to grow your business, but the most important thing is that you pick something that you know you will accomplish.
Step 3: Build in accountability (and you could win a prize!)
Comment on this post below, on the Facebook Event Post, or message me with who you are targeting and what you’re planning to do for the challenge. This helps you commit to your actions and creates accountability as you’re telling your fellow reflexologists what you’re doing to support the common cause of increasing awareness of the benefits of reflexology.
As an extra incentive, everyone who shares how they will be promoting the benefits of reflexology on this post, on the event page, or in a message to Kassy will be entered to win one of six prizes.
- Grand Prize (1 winner): 6-month membership to the More Feet Club ($150 value)
- Runner-Up (2 winners): 3-month membership to the More Feet Club ($75 value)
- Honorable Mention (3 winners): a reflexology mask from TeePublic shipped to you (Shipping direct via TeePublic to the US, Canada, UK, and many other countries. Value varies depending on the style and location.)
See the Sweepstakes Official Rules >>
What is the More Feet Club?
The More Feet Club provides you with ready-to-implement marketing content and guides you step-by-step in implementing it easily and quickly. It’s like having your own marketing department but on a do-it-yourself budget. Learn more.
What are the reflexology masks from TeePublic?
These are the perfect masks to wear in public and promote your love for reflexology! There are 2 styles to choose from and lots of design choices such as these:

There are lots of wearable marketing options
You can see all the design options for wearable reflexology marketing options including masks in the Reflexology Wearable Store!
Step 4: Plan your marketing timeline
Just because World Reflexology Week is in September, doesn’t mean you can put this off until then.
If you’re hosting a virtual or in-person event during World Reflexology Week, for example, it’s best to start working on getting everything organized so you can begin promoting the event as soon as possible. Or if you’re pitching a story to a local magazine, they work several months out and you’ll need to contact them right away. (Check out the Event Marketing Timeline post)
Other options don’t need as much lead time, however, you don’t want to think you have plenty of time and put things off only to remember when you realize World Reflexology Week starts in a few days and you’re not ready. This is why you should plan out what needs to be done and how long you need to do it and put it in the calendar or set reminders for yourself.
Step 5: Implement your plans
This could look a bit different depending on what you’re doing for the marketing challenge. There are a number of resources already available to support you on this site.
There are even more resources for members in the More Feet Club.
Once I see what actions most of you are planning, additional resources will be provided to email subscribers and members in the Free Reflexology Marketing Facebook group so get connected now for tips and resources to help make it easier to promote your reflexology practice.
And regardless of what your official plan is, you can also use these free social media graphics (available to download in the Reflexology Marketing group (or get even more graphics in the More Feet Club).
Step 6: Celebrate Reflexology
World Reflexology Week is officially about promoting awareness for reflexology, but as far as I’m concerned, it is also a time for you to celebrate being a reflexologist. Take time to celebrate your accomplishments (both great and small), celebrate all the people you’ve helped, and celebrate having a job you love.
Don’t forget to share what you’re doing for the challenge
Help build excitement among other reflexologists for the collective effort, add accountability for yourself, and have the chance to win a few cool prizes by commenting below with how you plan to spread awareness of reflexology.