UPDATE: This project has already been completed.
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This is part of a series of posts to help you navigate the COVID-19 Quarantine. New posts and resources will be released over the next few days and maybe weeks as we see where and how things are going. If you haven’t already joined the Reflexology Marketing Facebook group, I’ve got a pack of free graphics for all the members to use right now. There will also be updates and announcements of new resources announced via email, so sign up now if you haven’t already.
Writing an ebook can seem daunting and take weeks or months to create. Collaborating on the other hand offers reflexologists in the OnPoint Holistic Marketing community an easier and faster way to generate some extra income by selling an ebook.
Basically the idea is that everyone who contributes to the content of the ebook will be provided with the final PDF that they can sell to their local audience, clients, friends, family, etc.
Best of all, you get to keep all of the income you generate off it (minus paying taxes as your local government requires).
If you’re selling gift certificates for cash now to cover the bills for example, that eats into your income in the coming months when you’re back to seeing clients in-person. Offering them something else to purchase from you generates new income for you now and into the future as you continue to sell the ebook.
Demo concept
If we get enough contributions we can make 3 separate books, but for now we’ll shoot for one book with 3 parts to it. Download the PDF we’ll use for the guide to see what it might look like. (Just keep in mind this is a ROUGH draft concept at this stage.) The ebook title and headings, etc. are placeholders for now and open to feedback from all of you. They may need to be adapted based on the content provided.
How does this work?
The content will be written by all of you. Submit your contributions via this form (or email the document).
Then I (Kassy Killey) will compile all the info into the ebook format at no cost and will send everyone who contributes the final PDF file that they can sell.
I’m asking for contributors to let me know if you’ll write something in the next 3 days (by Thursday, April 2, 2020 ) and then you’ll have a week to turn in your content (by Monday, April 6, 2020 ). We want a quick turn around to help you bring in some cash sooner than later.
How do I sell the finished ebook?
The easiest option to set up will be depending on the file size of the final PDF (depends on how many contributions we get), to use a Paypal.me link to accept payments and then email the PDF to the buyers. It’s a manual process so you need to warn them the email doesn’t come instant like they might expect. If the file size is too large for attaching it to an email, you’ll need to use something like Google Drive or Dropbox.
You could also set up a payment option on your website and have it take them to a download page on your website for something that’s more hands-off in the process.
There are more options to help you decide the best way for you to sell and distribute digital products like an ebook in the article, “Make Your Reflexology Practice Go Digital (During the Quarantine).”
How much can I sell the ebook for?
You can set your own price. Probably between $10 and $20 will make the most sense depending on how many contributions we get. Anything less, and it will take a lot of sales to make up for lost reflexology sessions.
Since you all work in different markets with different audiences I think it’s fair to set your own price. If all the contributors prefer to agree on a set price, that’s an option too.
What will it cost me?
It’s completely free to participate. The tools needed to sell it can be free too depending on which system works best for you.
Can I invite other reflexologists to participate?
Of course! If you know other reflexologists who’d like to be part of this project, let them know! Just make sure they commit to Kassy by Tuesday, March 31 to be included in the process. (Final content due by April 4, 2020.)
Questions, Comments? Ideas?
Contact me or comment below! This is a project to help you, it’s your project, let’s shape it how you want. I’m just helping facilitate the process.
Hi I’ve just seen this now…is it too late to contribute to the eBook?
I can work on it this weekend.
Hi Sandra,
Yes that’s totally fine to still participate! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!